Last update on 10-25-2024 at 19:03
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Legal notice

In accordance with article 6 of French law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 concerning trust in the digital economy, this information identifies the various contributors within the scope of its publication and monitoring to all users accessing the site

The term USER applies to any person accessing the site and SUBSCRIBER as any physical or morale person having subscribed to the paid access area of

The owner and editor is a physical person, Michel Saint-Raymond, hereby known as ATHLERECORDS.
Editor and owner e-mail address:
Web hosting service: OVH — French trade register number (RCS): 424 761 419 0001
Address: 140 Quai du Sartel, 59100 ROUBAIX, France

Personal data

Any personal information collected by ATHLERECORDS relating to the USER is only used for provided services. The USER provides this information with full knowledge of all the considerations involved, especially when he enters the data himself. At that time, the compulsory or optional nature of the information that he will be required to provide is specified.

In compliance with the French "digital rights and freedom" law of 6 January 1978, automatic processing of personal data, including the management of SUBSCRIBER e-mail addresses, is subject to a declaration to the French data protection authority (CNIL).  CNIL registration number 1293217 of May 13th, 2008.

As a result, the USER has the right to access and correct his own personal data. This can be done by sending an e-mail to ATHLERECORDS using the form available by clicking the "Contact" link of the menu.

Intellectual property

All content of the site is subject to French law protecting copyright and in particular the databases (articles L.122-4 and L.122-5 of the French intellectual property rights law).

As such, the partial or total representation, reproduction, embedding, distribution and broadcasting of the database contained in the site is prohibited, except upon specific written approval from ATHLERECORDS.


The USER explicitly agrees to use the site at his own risk and under his exclusive responsibility.
All information and data contained in is provided for information only and in no way in an official manner. ATHLERECORDS therefore cannot provide any guarantee concerning the information contained in the site on the whole. Likewise, ATHLERECORDS provides no guarantee concerning the use of this information.

ATHLERECORDS shall not be liable for any loss or damage possibly resulting from the use of information provided on the site, as well as from inaccuracies or omissions.

Moreover, ATHLERECORS cannot guarantee that updates to the site will occur within the specified time limit.
ATHLERECORDS also declines all responsibility concerning the content of web sites edited by third parties and accessible from through hyperlinks.

Conditions of use and subscription

The USER and SUBSCRIBER acknowledge having read and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of use provided here and wholly assume their own responsibility in the event of non-compliance with these conditions of use and subscription.

The USER acknowledges knowing the nature of internet and in particular its technical performance and response time when consulting, searching or transferring data. ATHLERECORDS can in no way be held responsible for malfunctions of the internet network nor for any possible property damage resulting from accessing or using this site.

Conditions of subscription

The subscription to the site gives the right, for a limited time, to access the paid-access section of the site.
The subscription is granted in return for the payment of the subscription fee in effect at the time when the subscription request is acknowledged and in compliance with terms described by clicking on the "Subscription" menu.

When subscribing to one of the various subscription offers, the USER must provide the information requested on the site by filling out the registration forms; notably his first and last name, mailing address and e-mail address.

He will then be free to choose his identifier and his password that will enable him to access the paid-access section of the site.

In the event of the loss or theft of one of the identification elements, the SUBSCRIBER must choose a new password and connection identifier and notify ATHLERECORDS by e-mail or by post.

The subscription and identification elements (identifier and password) attributed to the SUBSCRIBER are personal, individual and non-transferable. The SUBSCRIBER agrees to keep secret his identification elements and not to reveal them in any way.

Any attempt to use the same SUBSCRIBER identification elements simultaneously on several computers will result in the automatic termination of the subscription.

Terms of subscription

The subscription may be paid using one of the two following methods:
- Online, using a secure payment system, in which case the subscription is validated as soon as the payment is confirmed.
- By e-mail and following the payment of the selected subscription offer. In this case, the subscription is validated after the receipt of payment. A notification message will then be sent to the SUSBCRIBER with an identifier and password that he can modify online.

The subscription is valid for a limited time and is not automatically renewed by tacit agreement. The SUBSCRIBER will nevertheless receive notice at least two weeks before the expiration of his subscription. At the end of the subscription time and unless a new subscription is validated, access to the paid-access section of the site is automatically denied.

Rates and means of payment

The current rates and means of payment can be consulted on the site by clicking on the link "I want to subscribe!" on the "Subscription" page. They are the ones in effect on the day of the subscription application. Subscription rates may change but will not affect the current subscription. The subscription rate does not cover internet access fees, neither telephone charges which remain the entire responsibility of the SUBSCRIBER.

Moreover, ATHLERECORDS will be able to offer other promotional rates to the USER which will be described on the site during the course of their validity.

Regardless of the means of payment chosen by the USER, a subscription confirmation acknowledging his registration on the site is sent by e-mail to the USER on the day his subscription is confirmed.

Any USER, whether a physical or moral person, is granted a period of reflection of seven days, beginning with the date of application for the subscription, and is able to cancel his subscription and be fully reimbursed at no extra charge at any time within this seven day period.

In the event that ATHLERECORDS does not receive or cannot collect the payment owed by the USER in compliance with the aforementioned conditions, the USER will receive notice to settle payment as soon as possible and his access to the paid access section of the site will be blocked until payment is made. The access time lost by the USER due to such payment issues cannot in any case be subject to deferment of the initial subscription time.

The rates indicated by clicking on the "Subscription" link of the menu and, for the SUBSCRIBER, on the "My Account" link of the "Subscriber Access" frame are in euros and include any possible VAT charges applicable on the day of subscription. Any change in tax rates may affect subscription rates.

ATHLERECORDS reserves the right to modify subscription rates at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions are those in effect on the date of the SUSBCRIBER subscription application.

Upon request of the SUBSCRIBER, a printable invoice may be sent indicating all applicable VAT charges.

Settlement of litigations

The conditions of use and subscription of the site are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law. Only French courts will be able to judge any possible litigation relating to the present conditions of use and subscription and their implementation, notably concerning their validity, interpretation, execution, cancellation and their consequences.